Thursday, March 26, 2009

Parachute Man

Untitled from Kara Salmela on Vimeo. WARNING: You may need to turn your volume down for this one.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Lussi!

Untitled from Kara Salmela on Vimeo.

My made up birthday song.

Untitled from Kara Salmela on Vimeo.Lussi made up this song months ago in anticipation of her birthday. This is the camera shy rendition.

I am five.

My Birthday Party...

My party was really fun... first we made princess crowns, then we played with the parachute, and then we played a game where we had to drop a clothespin in a jar for a prize. My party was loud and crazy just like I like it!

Monday, March 09, 2009


Untitled from Kara Salmela on Vimeo.Can't quite say "Peek-a-Boo" so I just say A-Boo!

Winterfest- Soldier Hollow

This just may be the most incredible XC-skiing in the West. We spent the whole day playing in the sun and the snow.

Tubing at Soldier Hollow (2002 Olympic site)

So this is how they make money to keep the cross-country ski trails open. We spent a day skiing and tubing at their annual Winterfest.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Baby with her babies.

Little Mommy.

Untitled from karasalmela on Vimeo.
Sofia really likes to play with all the baby stuff that the Cummings family left for us. She spends hours putting the babies to sleep and rocking them and pushing them around in the stroller. She is such a sweet child with a tender heart... I just want to cuddle and hug her to bits.