Friday, February 27, 2009

Reading to my little Sis

Untitled from karasalmela on Vimeo.

Skiing with our Dada

We like to go to Mountain Dell golf course and ski. There was a cross country world cup held here in 1989 and Dada was here to watch. I like to ski to the park and then ski back up to the top and have a picnic.

Skiing,sledding,snowmen & eating snow.

We've spent many afternoons outside at the park taking advantage of the little amount of snow that comes down here. Lussi is a snow eater and of course Sofia wants to do what her sister does but she has no thumbs in her mittens making it impossible for her to pick up a snowball to eat. She realized that if she just lays down and puts her face directly in the snow she can eat snow just like her big sis.

Treasures in Park City

There were lots of fun things to see and do in Park City and my favorites were Chloe the Moose and milking the cow at the ice cream stop.

Adam & Mica

Dada's cousin came with Mica who I kept calling "Nuka" because I just couldn't remember her name. We had so much fun! They brought their two dogs and that was the highlight for Sofia. We went to Park City with Mica and rode the trolley. I got to ring the bell! We were really sad to see them leave.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Lucy-Lussi reunion

It happened one sunday evening for dinner. No one could have guessed that an entire year had passed because these two picked up where they left off and played all night barely stopping to eat dinner.

Cottonwood Heights, Utah

So here we find ourselves at the bottom of the Cottonwood Canyons in a suburb of Salt Lake. It is one of mixed demographics but probably not the mixed you are thinking. We live among "Bro's" who are the skiing dudes here living to ski thus the nickname of our neighborhood is "Broburbia". But the other half of the neighborhood is the all day Sunday church going Mormon folk. So we often hear, "Dude that was some sweeeet pow-pow today!" meaning the dude got some great new snow powder skiing in. And we also hear "Praise the Lord!" from the Temple down the street.

Kona-the Alaskan Malamute

Untitled from karasalmela on Vimeo.
Our house here in Utah belongs to Dean Cummings who runs a guiding service in Utah and a Heli-ski company up in Alaska. Kona is his dog and we spent a week with him before he left for Alaska. He is a gentle giant but his size makes even the biggest of dog lovers a little cautious.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Words words words...

Untitled from karasalmela on Vimeo.
For a while it seemed like Sofia wasn't saying much but now that we understand that she just can't pronounce some sounds we have realized that she can and will repeat almost anything you ask her too. She just can't say "Lussi" L's and S's are always changed to something else. We are having so much fun with her and listening to her say new words everyday.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Visiting the Hazleton's in Ft Collins

I couldn't wait to see Graham and while I was there he lost his 5th tooth! I want my teeth to fall out now. I think about it everyday because Graham got money from the tooth fairy and I want the tooth fairy to come. I ask my Mom "When will mine fall out?" She says she didn't lose hers until she was almost 7. I didn't like hearing that. Graham and I slept in the same room, we stayed up late giggling and we had lots of fun playing again. I missed him!

animal popcorn

Untitled from karasalmela on Vimeo.