Friday, December 22, 2006

New big girl bed!

I have a new bed and I am really excited about it! I spent the night reading stories and having a picnic with my dolls and animals.

Pajama party

Grandma Jan gave us all jammies for Christmas so of course we all had to wear them. I love mine because they have Dora on them and I LOVE Dora!!!

Fun on the ice!

Daddy brought the Puko kylka (kick sled) and it was really fast!

Hermanson Chistmas

Making sugar cookies with my cousins.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

We made a snowman!

This is the man!

I look a little shocked here but I was super excited to see Santa. I asked him for a Dora doll and I am trying to be good so that he brings me it. After I got off his lap, Santa gave me a candy cane!

Christmas tree!

We decorated our tree and I am soooo excited! I just can't quite figure out how Santa comes down the chimney?

Friday, October 27, 2006

Can we carve this already!

It feels like Halloween will never come. I have been looking at this pumpkin for a week now and my Mommy keeps telling me we are going to carve it. I don't believe her but I hope it happens soon!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Generational Portrait

My Great-Grandpa came to visit today. We had a nice breakfast and I enjoyed hanging out with him. My favorite is when he sings the song about the swing in the old oak tree. I listen very carefully because I am trying to remember the words, I think next time I will get it.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Big girl wanna-be.

I like to wear my Mommy's shoes and her scarf and play dress up.

Banana Slip

My Daddy made me a banana split tonight. I couldn't quite say it so I called it a banana slip. MMM... it was yummy!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Great Minnesota Get Together

Yay! We went to the State Fair. I loved all the baby animals. We saw some baby piggy's that were only a few hours old. They were wagging their little curly tails like a dog and they made me laugh. I also loved the great big Fun slide and the Elephant ride. I cried when Mom and Dad took me away. (PSSS... I now call my parents Mom and Dad. It was a little shocking at first but they'll get used to it!)

Friday, August 18, 2006


This is George the monkey. My Grandma Jan gave me him over the weekend. He is super soft and nice to sleep with. As you can see I love him berry much. Don't you?


These came in the mail in a package and if I jump on them they pop open and make a loud snapping noise. They are really fun and after jumping on them a few times I named them "Pops".

Monday, July 31, 2006

My favorite dress made by my Auntie Brit

I have been practicing my language skills lately by repeating everything my parents say back to them in a question. My Mommy will say,"We are going to store to look for a bed for you Lussi." and I say back, "Are we going to the store to look for a bed for me Mommy!?" There are a few words I have trouble saying. I call the Museum the "Mooseum" and Music is "moosik" I also say "Memeber that Mommy?" The other day my Mommy was commenting that she and I were the only ones eating the huge watermelon in the fridge and I said, "Is Daddy sick of watermelon Mommy?" That one surprised my Mommy, she didn't know I knew how to use that word that way.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

My own sleeping style

My Mommy caught me sleeping because I like to sleep on my pillow sideways. I get very annoyed with my Mommy & Daddy because they come in and change me. I always end up back like this though. It feels right to me.

Sleeping with Jorjo my favorite baby