Monday, August 20, 2007

Snuggling Sisters

Two months old

We continue to debate everyday who you might look like. Today it is your Aunt Tia. We looked at her baby pictures and could see a lot of you in her. Tomorrow you may look like someone else, we are sure but today we'll say you are taking after Tia. Huh.. Fia & Tia how fitting. You are also smiling and trying to talk back.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

This is a common position for Lussi and Sofia. it works fairly well and I can manage them. Lussi likes to pull her up and put her down... squeezing her in between. It is a little nerve racking but I am beginning to realize that Sofia is pretty resilient and seems to enjoy the interaction with Lussi.

A day in Ely with our cousins Hanna & Maggie

First playdate with my friend Brinnon