Untitled from Kara Salmela on Vimeo.
I can read book after book and now that my parents have read most of them to me a million times, I can usually recite part of the book as I am doing here. One night, my Mama thought I had gone to sleep because it was quiet in my room. She asked my Dada to check on me. He came in my room and noticed I wasn't in my bed, then he saw the light on in my closet so he peeked in. I looked up at him and yelled,"I readin' books Dada!" (It was 9:30pm at this point and I had been readin' books since 8 o'clock)
we don't like to go outside when it's raining either.... :)
please read some more for us, sofia!
Thanks for sharing your great post,wish you have a nice day,happy every day!
Thanks for sharing your great post,wish you have a nice day,happy every day!
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