I know, I know, I know... I have been completely delinquent in blog land. We've been having computer problems blah-blah blah. Anyway here is little Ms Personality. Her hair just keeps getting curlier and her eyes are turning greenish. She is saying lots of "OOOO" words... Oops, Oh-oh, Ouwie and lots of high pitched squeals as well as raspy baby babble. Her personality lights up and she becomes this babbling bubbly baby when she sees DOGS... she spots them on TV, on the street & in books. Our future as a dogless family looks impossible when you experience this love for dogs. Sofia also loves really soft things which Lussi has her own word for "Sovey" rhymes with lovey. Lussi started calling her fleece jacket "Sovey" and I said "what did you say?" She said "Sovey?" I said that's not a word. She said I know, I made it up. So anyway, Sofia squeals with delight and then lays on her stomach over anything "Sovey" She especially likes our sheepskin rugs.
THANK YOU!!!! can't wait to see you!
Wow. She looks so much like Cory in these pictures
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