We spent an afternoon in the sun on the Olympic trails. It was exciting to be back, stirring up memories of both the Olympics and the Olympic trials. There were Utah National Guard members shooting on the range which really made me want to hit some targets. We all skied and Lussi was a superstar, skiing all the way down to the range and back up to the lodge.
Wow Kara,
How inspiring you are to me...just getting out and taking a breath! Yah for you guys! The videos are darling and make me miss ya'll. And hopefully B is crawling by the time you are home...almost there but not quite. Kiss your family for me and enjoy EVERY moment on VACATION!
Hey Courtney
Nice to hear from you. We are having fun but will definitely be ready to come back to D-town. There is actually smog out here! I guess the air above 3000 feet makes up for it though. See you soon.
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