22 paddlers, 1 drummer, a dragon boat and 1/10 of a second. The race was too close to call, the photo finish camera was needed to show that the stonedragons won by a dragon nostril or to put it in layman's terms... Michael Phelps fingertips.
We spent a couple of days with our cousins Hanna & Maggie. One day the lake was calm and warm and so we swam all day. Even Fia got in the water to swim. I loved making the long train boats with the inner tubes. We called it a train boat because we couldn't decide if it was a boat or a train.
Untitled from karasalmela on Vimeo. For about a year now, Lussi has been obsessed with two children's websites. I am amazed at how she surfs around to find stories & games that interest her. The most amazing thing to me is that she learned how to print and she will come running from the computer with some project she just printed off yelling " mama help me!" She learns all kinds of skills from identifying letters to math to art and the other day I walked in to check on her and she had her left hand placed on the computer in the way you would learn to type. She was playing a game that she found that teaches her the proper way to type. I was shocked... thinking back on my childhood, I learned to type in 10th grade! She is of a different generation, that is for sure.
Mama's friends from the Olympic team came to visit. I had lots of fun with Antija and Henrik. Henrik and I liked playing pirate and princess. I set up the tea parties while he practiced his sword fighting. We also biked around on the sidewalks and ran around the house.
Untitled from karasalmela on Vimeo. Well I have taken after my big sister Lussi and have spent the last month knee walking. My Mama and Dada think it is caused by some quirky gene combination of the two of them because no Grandparents recall anyone else ever doing it. I never saw Lussi do it but it gets me to where I want to go. I do however walk like the rest of my household occassionally when I feel like it.