Everyday is an adventure juggling two little people. When one doesn't need me the other one needs me or they both need me at the same time. Baby Fia is starting to feel solid and strong, less and less like a floppy newborn. She even holds her head up pretty well. Lussi is becoming less and less dependent on me for everything. (phew!) Lussi is also beginning to settle in with our routine and having Sofia with us all the time. She is really sweet with her most of the time but when she feels like Fia is getting too much attention, she feels a need to over hug or pull of her feet or stick her feet in Sofia's belly... anything to sort of dis her sister. I believe this is the beginning of a relationship that won't change much, except instead of putting her feet in Sofia's face, she will be manipulating her with words, say at ages 13 & 10. Gladys recently said to her older sister, " You were so mean to me when we were growing up!" They are best friends now... so I am realizing that what might seem mean now will probaby turn in to some sort of love for eachother or maybe it is love hidden in a strong desire for some sort of control. Who knows, really. All I know is it isn't easy, this two girl thing... but it is fun and challenging in a natural sort of way.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Growing Baby Fia
Everyday is an adventure juggling two little people. When one doesn't need me the other one needs me or they both need me at the same time. Baby Fia is starting to feel solid and strong, less and less like a floppy newborn. She even holds her head up pretty well. Lussi is becoming less and less dependent on me for everything. (phew!) Lussi is also beginning to settle in with our routine and having Sofia with us all the time. She is really sweet with her most of the time but when she feels like Fia is getting too much attention, she feels a need to over hug or pull of her feet or stick her feet in Sofia's belly... anything to sort of dis her sister. I believe this is the beginning of a relationship that won't change much, except instead of putting her feet in Sofia's face, she will be manipulating her with words, say at ages 13 & 10. Gladys recently said to her older sister, " You were so mean to me when we were growing up!" They are best friends now... so I am realizing that what might seem mean now will probaby turn in to some sort of love for eachother or maybe it is love hidden in a strong desire for some sort of control. Who knows, really. All I know is it isn't easy, this two girl thing... but it is fun and challenging in a natural sort of way.
Playing Cowgirl
Since we are now home all the time and I am not working and Lussi is not going to Preschool, we are passing the days with a lot of playing. I dressed Lussi in the red shirt and shorts and then she decided she wanted to wear her hat and boots. The cowgirl thing kept her busy for a while. Long enough for me to feed baby Fia anyway.
What's this?
So we are having quite a time adjusting to this new baby, especially Lussi. She seems to not always be herself, which is understandable. One of her latest out of character antics happened a couple of days ago. First of all she fell down hard on her knee and got a pretty big, bloodly scrape on her knee. This sent her in to a crying fit. We were about two blocks from our car and I had baby Fia in the front pack. Of course Lussi could not walk with this ENORMOUS BOO-BOO on her knee so I carried one crying preschooler with NOW one crying baby to the car. Then on the way home, I then had one screaming baby and a "Faking" crying preschooler who suddenly says "Mommy Mommy I just put paper up my nose, it hurts it hurts it hurts!" So I pull over the car and had a look. There was a paper tag hanging off her dress from the Children's museum and it definitely was missing a big chunk. So now I'm thinking... Do I take her to the emergency room for this? Does paper disolve in your nose? I can not see anything in her nose. She calms down and so I ask her OK what hurts now? She says, " my knee my knee" I say, " Not you nose?" She says, "No just my knee" Meanwhile baby Fia is still screaming and I am not sure what's going on! So I decide she is OK, she's calmed down, maybe the paper fell out or maybe she really didn't put it up there and she was faking. I really don't have a clue. So later that night I am reading her bedtime stories and she sneezes twice. On the second sneeze, she says "Mommy Mommy, the paper is in my nose!" I look and sure enough, I can see it way up there. So I get the tweezers and pull it out. What on earth possesses a child to stick a wad of paper up their nose while they are crying hysterically?
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
sun bathing
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Two weeks old!
I only open my eyes for about an hour and a half in the evening so my Mama had a hard time getting great pictures of me. I close my eyes everytime the flash goes off so she had to go with natural light which there wasn't much of. Anyway, after a week I am back to my birth weight. I am all gutteral noises right now. I hardly cry, but I grunt a lot. Not much more to report since I am sleeping 22 hours of the day and can hardly keep my eyes open. More later when I am a little more coherent.
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